Thursday, February 4, 2010

What I saw in traffic today

Got behind two interesting cars today. The first was a pickup truck, relatively new, nice paint job advertising a car repair business, big logo, name, and phone number. The truck was absolutely spewing black smoke out the tailpipe. Good advertising.

Then I passed a minivan with a "Republicans for Obama" bumper sticker on it. I remember some sort of "Republicans for Voldemort" sticker a while ago, but this one is clever. Very few people will fall for the Voldemort sticker, but the Obama sticker is believable. It may or may not be true in the specific case, there certainly were Republicans who voted for Obama, but the sticker doesn't have to be true on that car. If I were a trouble-maker, and I can be, putting an upsetting, but believable sticker on my car would be the best way to annoy people. That's a hell of a way to astroturf, just get a group of people who commute in the same metro area every day to put a fake sticker on their car, and suddenly you've got people believing that Houston is a hotbed of Democrats for Huckabee.

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