Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lama, Obama. Obama, Lama.

The Dalai Lama met with Barack Obama, as he has met with previous presidents for the last 20 years. The Chinese government was annoyed, as they always have been over such meetings. The Lama/Obama meeting was scaled back to a more discrete arrangement. The headline regarding this was "Dalai Lama doesn't fault Obama for quiet meeting". Of course he doesn't, he's the Dalai Lama! I'm pretty sure it's in his job description to take things as they come, make the best of them, and not complain about people who are making an effort. This falls under the "Dog bites man" and "Pope condemns violence" category of headlines. When the Dalai Lama calls someone a fellating political hack, that'll be a real headline.

Afterthought, the Dalai Lama commented on the Tiger Woods things, since Tiger says he's a Buddhist, and feels the need to get back to his religious principles. What did D.L. say? He doesn't know who Tiger Woods is! I love it. Seems that spending 60 years focusing on being a religious leader and working against the military occupation of your country is what it takes to keep from being sucked into the pit of celebrity depravity. However, he had advice for Tiger - Buddhism takes the same line on adultery as most other religions. Way to go Dalai, 3 for 3 in one interview. Keep popping the egos and not giving the grave-robbing media hacks anything to work with.

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