Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ground Zero mosque

Well hell, every other dickhead who can hunt and peck or speak three words in a row has said something about the ground zero mosque, so why not me. Particularly regarding the Cracked article about it, which makes some good points.

Specifically, point three - you can not simultaneously admit they have the legal right, and ask the government to block it. Of course. The sane people are not the ones saying this; the sane people are the ones saying they don't like it, but that it's completely legal to do, and that's what makes American great (insert flag waving here). The point is, if you're all for peace and tolerance, you could take into account how people would react. If you want to prove a point, you could at least make an attempt at recognizing the sensitivities of others; as a white male, that is apparently my purpose in life these days - to recognize the hot buttons of others.

And, I haven't seen plans, I don't know what's in the Islamic center, yes, there's probably plenty of other stuff besides the mosque, but I've seen an "Islamic Cultural Center" here locally, and it's a mosque. There are signs on the doors saying where the men and women are to enter separately, and prayer instructions. All the other stuff is great, and not related to prayer, but if there wasn't a mosque, there wouldn't be any of that other stuff either.

But in case I wasn't clear - the rules are clear, if they are followed, build the dang building, whatever it is. But don't go changing the dang rules to screw with it.

Next lecture (get your reading done in advance) - Bills of Attainder.

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