Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Arizona lawsuit

The feds have filed a lawsuit against Arizona, claiming the Arizona law regarding the checking of immigrant status by non-federal law enforcement is unconstitutional. The quote I heard is "only the federal government can regulate immigration".


If the feds win this one, it seems to me an interesting precedent shall be set. Anything that is a federal law can then only be enforced by federal agents. Two possibilities exist:

1) The feds are ignorant of this ramification, and local law enforcement agencies can then stop making arrests on anything that violates federal law, leading to the collapse.

2) The feds are exactly aware of this, want to take all power away from local law enforcement authority away, and create a national police force, which can not be funded without stealing all the money that used to be used by states and municipalities for their police forces. Then if you piss them off, they'll be able to stop arresting criminals, or use the brown shirts to take over.

Either they're acting out of ignorance or lunacy. Yay.

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